80th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings
6th June 2024 marks the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings and we are proud to confirm that Sandbach Town Council and the Sandbach British Legion are working jointly, supported by several groups and organisations, in planning Sandbach’s participation of the national commemoration, which will conclude with a very special beacon lighting ceremony:
8.00am Reading of the D-Day 80 Proclamation (War Memorial).
9.00am Flags of Peace hoisted on several buildings (flown for 7 days).
11.00am Schools – National reading ‘D-Day Heroes’ Poem.
6.30pm St Mary’s Church Bell Ringing.
7.00pm Fish and Chip Supper.
9.00pm Small Parade from Town Hall to Cobbles.
9.12pm Two minute silence.
9.15pm Lighting of a Beacon.
Reading of the Declaration by seven young people of Sandbach.
The full and detailed information pack for ‘D-Day 80’ which confirms the events above and explains symbolism of the various activities can be viewed at www.d-day80beacons.co.uk
We greatly look forward to the community joining some, or all, of the activity and in paying tribute to all those who gave their lives so that we might enjoy the freedom we have today.
Where at all possible, we hope that some of the local shops and venues may obtain a lamp to display in their window on the evening of the Commemorative event. For information, the outdoor use D-day 80 Lamp Light of Peace is detailed within guide above but, for indoor use, battery powered hurricane lamps are available at many local and online outlets.
If you have any queries regarding Sandbach participation or the individual events please contact the Town Council in the first instance.