Formal Meetings

Council and Committee meetings are held in Sandbach Town Hall at 7:00 pm, and are open to the press and public with a period designated for public questions.

If items on the agenda are considered to be of a confidential nature, the committee will vote for such an item to be considered as a ‘Part 2’ item, and it will then be considered excluding the press and public.

Public questions are allowed, at the discretion of the Meeting Chair, and if the question relates to an item on the agenda at that meeting. If a member of the public wishes to ask a question at a meeting about a matter which is not on the agenda, it is necessary to submit the question 3 clear days in advance of the meeting so that the necessary preparations can be made.

All formal meetings are recorded, if a member of public wishes to not be recorded it must be clearly stated. For more information about recording during meetings click here.

Unless the Council’s Standing Orders are suspended, questions and comments can only be taken during the formal public question time allotted on the Agenda.

The public are not allowed to contribute to the meeting other than at this time.

Agendas, Minutes and Audio for Town Council, Committee and Sub-Committee Meetings can be found here.

Public Meetings 2024-2025

Meeting Date Meeting Type Agenda (PDF) Minutes (PDF) Audio
15 May 2024 Town Council (AGM) Agenda Minutes Audio
03 June 2024 Planning, Environment & Consultation Agenda Minutes Audio
12 June 2024 Town Council Agenda Minutes Audio
26 June 2024 Appeals Agenda Minutes N/A
08 July 2024 Planning, Environment & Consultation Agenda Minutes Audio
10 July 2024 Assets & Services Agenda Audio
24 July 2024 Town Council Agenda
29 July 2024 Planning, Environment & Consultation Agenda
07 August 2024 Finance, Policy & Governance
21 August 2024 Community & Events
28 August 2024 Planning, Environment & Consultation
11 September 2024 Town Council
23 September 2024 Planning, Environment & Consultation
09 October 2024 Assets & Services
21 October 2024 Planning, Environment & Consultation
23 October 2024 Personnel
06 November 2024 Community & Events
18 November 2024 Planning, Environment & Consultation
20 November 2024 Finance, Policy & Governance
04 December 2024 Town Council
18 December 2024 Town Council
16 December 2024 Planning, Environment & Consultation
13 January 2025 Planning, Environment & Consultation
29 January 2025 Assets & Services
05 February 2025 Finance, Policy & Governance
10 February 2025 Planning, Environment & Consultation
19 February 2025 Community & Events
05 March 2025 Town Council
10 March 2025 Planning, Environment & Consultation
07 April 2025 Planning, Environment & Consultation
09 April 2025 Assets & Services
23 April 2025 Community & Events
06 May 2025 Planning, Environment & Consultation
07 May 2025 Finance, Policy & Governance
21 May 2025 Town Council
02 June 2025 Planning, Environment & Consultation