Informal Groups
Working groups , as well as other informal, non-decision making, information gathering, progress chasing meetings and groups are allowed under model standing orders and the current legislation.
There is no requirement hold such meetings in the presence of the press and public or to formally record their activities, although it may be felt necessary to do so depending on the subject or objectives of the group.
Private Member briefings are also legitimate, and indeed essential, for the effective running of the Council, as stated in Recommendation 7 of the Lessons Learned Report.
Working Groups
Working groups or ‘task-and-finish’ groups are occasionally set up for a short-term purpose. They are not subject to the strict rules that apply to formal council meetings and do not need to be held in public. A working party cannot make a decision on behalf of the council, but they can explore options and present these to the council for a decision.
Where Council and/or Committees have requested a group to be formed to deliver agreed policy or carry out research on its behalf, the following actions are required, as resolved by Council 22 November 2022:
- a parent committee is identified to oversee the work of the group
- a lead person is appointed by the group
- membership of the group (including all parties) is agreed by the group
- As a guide, no more than 5 Council members shall be part of the working group, unless agreed specifically through the scheme of delegation
- A Council officer will be assigned to all working groups and resource considerations discussed and agreed with the Chief Officer
- terms of reference are agreed by the group and accepted by the parent committee
- a note of the meetings is produced for the next parent committee and published on the agenda
- proposals, where appropriate, are presented to the parent committee for consideration and decision
- An appropriate engagement strategy with partners, residents, other contributors will be agreed and implemented by the group
Whilst these groups are non-decision making, decision making capabilities can be delegated to an officer of the Council (usually the Chief Officer) either individually, in consultation with specific members and/or through membership of a specific group, so long as this is defined in the Council resolution for such delegated authority.
Informal Groups Log May 2024
Group Name | Group Type | Parent Committee | Lead | Officer Support |
Climate Change | Project Group | Full Council | Chief Officer | Ceri Lloyd |
Accessibility | Working Group | Community & Events | Cllr A Nevitt | Ceri Lloyd |
Skate Park | Working Group | Community & Events | TBC | Ceri Lloyd |
Parks and Open Spaces | Working Group | Community & Events | TBC | Katy Pepper |
Volunteer / Partnership | Working Group | Community & Events | Cllr A Nevitt | Katy Pepper |
Neighbourhood Plan | Working Group | Planning | TBC | Ceri Lloyd |
Community Resilience | Working Group | Full Council | Cllr Laura Crane | Katy Pepper |
D Day | Working Group | Full Council | Cllr A Nevitt | Katy Pepper |
Festival of Light | Working Group | Community & Events | TBC | Jayne Barber |