Climate Emergency
Sandbach Town Council is committed to having a key role in addressing the climate emergency. The Council has agreed to aim to be carbon neutral by 2025, and to help Cheshire East Council achieve net Zero FOR THE WHOLE BOROUGH by 2045.
Whilst the Council accepts that, as a small organisation, there is only a limited amount it can do, this will not stop us making whatever contribution we can:
Council have committed to the following actions:
- To become Carbon Literate with an accredited body – all staff and members will be trained so that the whole Council can be accredited. This involves all individuals involved with the Council making specific pledges about how they personally will make an impact on reducing carbon emissions
- To measure baseline data for all its carbon inefficient activities and to aim to review and reduce these to zero by 2025 by changing, where it can, its use of carbon
- To Join up with other neighbouring Town Councils and Cheshire East Council to create and provide an effective network which combines resources to make change happen and delivers more impactful projects
- To act as an ambassador in the locality to share information, bring residents together, link with partners and businesses to facilitate and lead the movement to make Sandbach a cleaner greener place
Historically the Council has campaigned against poor air quality, and pressure from a Working Group on Air Quality lead to declaration of an Air Quality Management Zone covering part of the town centre.
It also strongly opposes speculative applications for housing development (with the concomitant traffic), and strives to maintain the green gaps between settlements – a key element of the Neighbourhood Development Plan.
The Council also provides financial support for local voluntary organizations concerned with a range of environment issues, including Sandbach Allotment Society, Sandbach Woodland and Wildlife Group and Sandbach Clean Team. We also support Sandbach Footpath Group and cycling enthusiasts.
Please get in touch with us if you are interested in working with the Council on Climate Change as we are developing various ideas / groups at present to move things forward