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Join us as we honour the memories of the brave crew of the H.M.S Vimiera who lost their lives on the sinking of the ship adopted by Sandbach.

Current itinerary is as follows:-

                                13.30 – 13.55    Assemble in the Ballroom, Sandbach Town Hall. (Take the lift to the 1st floor). Refreshments available

                                13.55                    Transfer to the Town Hall foyer

                                14.00                   Assemble at the memorial

                                14.05                   Commemoration speech by Lt. Antonio Valente R.N. to mark the anniversary of the loss of the Vimiera and 93 of her crew

                                14.10                   Photographs

                                14.20                  Return to Ballroom. Refreshments available

Please note that these details might change as we approach closer to the date of the event.

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