Sandbach Town Council Press Release / statement – 25.4.2022

Vexatious Communications

Nasty Communications Must Stop & Don’t Work Over the past two years, Sandbach Town Council councillors and staff have been subject to the most appalling malicious and vexatious communications by email and social media from a small number of individuals in the town. The most recent Facebook post contains false accusations of staff misconduct. More worrying is the posting of a film of a staff member’s child without the parents’ knowledge or consent. Sandbach Town Council will not tolerate this unacceptable treatment of its members and staff, all of whom are working hard for the community and doing their best to make Sandbach an even better place.

Sandbach Town Council accepts that legitimate comment and criticism are an important part of public debate and accountability. However, when this crosses a line into abuse, the Council will not hesitate to inform the police and /or take legal action where vexatious and/or malicious communications are made in respect of its councillors (who are unpaid) or staff. Such activities risk demoralising the organisation and also waste valuable resources that would be better applied to important improvements in our community and its facilities. The Council intends to prevent these individuals whose actions waste tax payers’ money and destabilise the Council.